Monday, July 23, 2007

On my way to Pula (or not!!)

These are definitively hot days in all eastern Europe. Very hot. So hot that it's difficult to live without any type of refreshment. Air conditioner, ventilator, swimming pool, beach... any of these are necessary to survive during the daylight.

At the office the situation it's not easy at all. Since the heat only last for few days, nobody worries much about having a good air conditioner system. It's ok while it's not hot. But it's terrible when it is. So the only thing you can think about while sweating like a pig at work, it's how you're going to enjoy your weekend at a relaxed beach in Croatia. It's close (little more than two hours distance by car), and seems like a perfect solution to cool down.

The idea was to spend saturday and sunday on the beach at Pula. Unfortunately, it stayed only as an idea. I could never reach Pula. As you see it seems that I was not the only one thinking about cooling down for a bit. A few other thousands were thinking just the same. Germans, dutchs, austrians and italians (among others), use this same route to go down to Croatia and spend their holidays at the beach. After my fourth hour in the car, and being unable to see how far away I was from the border, I turned the car back home.

Next time maybe...

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